
Hey there! Welcome to Kenzie Around the World!

My name is Mackenzie and I am the writer of this travel blog.  I am so excited to share my experiences with all of you! I am a university student with a strong love for travel.  I’m so grateful to be about to share my love of travel with all of you!

I hope to inspire people to keep exploring and reach outside of their comfort zone!  The world is a magical place so get out there and start adventuring! Go make some memories ♥

I’d like to thank my amazing parents, two sisters, and Brett for always supporting all of my dreams!


My first two years of post-secondary schooling were spent at the Medicine Hat College where I started my science degree and played as the sweeper for the Medicine Hat Rattlers Women’s Soccer team. I continued my studies at the University of Lethbridge while continuing to play soccer for the U of L Women’s Pronghorns.  In the fall of 2018, I participated in Semester at Sea which is a multi-country study abroad program where I visited 11 countries while taking classes!  In April 2020, I graduated with my science degree from the U of L.  I am currently in my second year of the Dental Program (DMD) at McGill University.  I am so excited to become a dentist and continue to travel overseas to Honduras and other parts of the world!


I am very fortunate to have such a great family! My two amazing parents have always supported and helped me to reach my dreams! I have two younger (and taller) sisters who mean the world to me. My incredible boyfriend Brett does a lot of adventuring with me! A huge thanks to my family – immediate and extended – for all your support. 

I love you all!

Travel History

I have been fortunate enough to find time to travel between semesters!  Some of my travel history includes:

  • Travelling through Western Canada
  • Visiting a handful of states in the US
  • Touring through 6 countries in Europe
  • 5 countries in Asia! 
  • Backpacking through Peru and hiking a lot!!
  • Four medical missions in Honduras
  • Other family vacations

Upcoming Adventure


Send us a message if you have any suggestions for our next backpacking adventure!